how to conference call

6 Ultimate Hacks on How to Conference Call Like a World Leader

Although conference calls are a great way to exchange important information and ideas from afar, sometimes they can feel like a necessary evil. And unless you’re following the golden conference call rules, you may be embarrassing yourself or frustrating potential clients.

Want to know how to do a conference call that comes across as smooth, prepared, and efficient? We have all the information you need right here.

Keep reading to learn about six tips on how to conference call like a true professional. Let’s get started!

1. Learning How to Conference Call Starts with Preparation

If you want to become the king or queen of conference calls, the best place to start is with good old-fashioned preparation. Even if you feel like you can fly by the seat of your pants- don’t. Here’s what to do for the best results:

  • Focus on getting organized a day or two beforehand.
  • Figure out what you want to achieve from this call.
  • Prepare a list of questions.
  • Visit the restroom and grab a beverage 15 minutes before the call starts.
  • Make sure the technical side of things is working smoothly.
  • Grab a pen and a notepad.

2. Look Sharp

Although this tip is the most important for video conference calls, it doesn’t hurt to look polished no matter what. After all, if you feel sharp, you’ll act sharp.

To appear professional, iron your clothes and make sure that they’re stain-free. Keeping your outfit modest is also a great way to come across like a boss.

3. Take Notes

Remember that notepad and pen? They’ll come in handy to take notes when you have a conference call underway.

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Notes will help you organize your thoughts when the call is over and move forward in a productive way. Just make sure that your note-taking doesn’t become distracting.

4. Focus on Your Vocal Quality

When you make conference calls, the quality of your voice matters. If you’re unsure about how your voice is coming across during these meetings, practice ahead of time. Try smiling when you talk to create a pleasant vibe.

5. Pick a Quiet Location

Distracting noises are a great way to ruin a conference call meeting. Eliminate this possibility by selecting a quiet, secluded location before your call starts.

Office conference rooms are a great choice. Make sure to reserve a room like this in advance to avoid last-minute panic.

6. Use a Professional Conference Call System

Did you know that professional instant conference call services exist? These services are an excellent alternative to patching multiple people in on your cell phone.

With a professional program, you’ll be able to record your call, identify who is speaking, reduce outside noise, and include as many people as you want. Plus, many of these services are free!

The Bottom Line

Coming across as qualified and confident is very important in all aspects of your work. And learning how to conference call in an appropriate way is a simple way to achieve just that.

For the best results, remember to prepare thoroughly, pick a quiet call location, and to use a professional conference call service. And don’t forget to iron your shirt!

Want more useful hacks like these? Check out our life hacks blog page. Because life doesn’t have to be so hard!

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