attitude of gratitude

How to Adopt an Attitude of Gratitude (and Why It’s So Important)

An attitude of gratitude transforms a person’s life in positive ways.

Many proven benefits occur in health, career, relationships, and life after adopting this positive attitude. It can change a person’s life and have a powerful impact on the world around them.

In this post, we’ll explore why living gratefully is something everyone can (and should) do.

Read on to learn more!

What’s an Attitude of Gratitude?

Although it’s a great place to start, it takes more than simply thanking people to show gratitude.

Expressing gratitude helps a person recognize and acknowledge positive interactions. It enables them to be more present in the moment instead of thinking about the next task on their to-do list.

Thanking others has a positive effect on the relationship and improves mood. It can lead to a more optimistic outlook, reducing stress for all involved.

Living each moment and being grateful for it is a true attitude of gratitude.

Too Stressed to Feel Blessed?

The importance of gratitude is not a new concept. Its benefits for society and one’s personal life are noted throughout history.

Charles Dickens once said, “Reflect on your present blessings, on which every man has many, not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.”

A study in 2006 found that Vietnam War veterans who expressed gratitude suffered fewer effects of PSTD. They were also more resilient overall.

Another found that pain sufferers who keep gratitude journals had a better sense of well-being. They were better able to deal with issues such as pain and mobility.

Several studies show a focus on blessings may also have emotional and interpersonal benefits. This includes reduced stress, improved physical and mental well-being, and increased self-confidence.

It Does the Body Good

A few minutes spent expressing gratitude can improve sleep patterns and lower stress levels. It can also be a powerful tool in pain management.

An attitude of gratitude boosts your immune system and benefits heart health. It can even lower your blood pressure.

Gratitude lowers your risk of stroke, high blood pressure, and complications from diabetes. Individuals with heightened gratitude report feeling healthier and enjoying life more. They are also more proactive in taking care of their health.

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The US National Library of Medicine has more than 47,000 results for published papers on the mental and physical impact of gratitude. There’s a long list of mental and physical health benefits in store for anyone who lives a life a gratitude.

Peace of Mind

Improved mental health and increased self-esteem are also benefits of gratitude. Studies have shown the memory of appreciation can induce improved emotional mood.

Feeling grateful now can have positive effects on your mental health for years to come. Feelings of hopelessness and depression lessen when deciding to live a grateful life. Circumstances are less of a deciding factor than the attitude of the individual.

A gratitude journal is a popular method of recording your appreciation each day. Writing a short list each night before going to bed can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

When you focus on things to be thankful for, you’re not stressing about the negatives. You’re concentrating on the positive, so you see more to appreciate.

Deeper Connections

Expressing gratitude in personal and work interactions can transform relationships to new levels. Showing appreciation deepens feelings of affection and strengthens connections.

The giver deepens their relationship with the receiver. They also rewire their own brain which improves all future interactions. One act of expressing appreciation can strengthen personal relationships for years to come.

Roy Saunderson, international expert in Corporate Recognition Psychology, helps corporations develop “Appreciation Programs.” He lectures university and college classes about the importance of appreciation in business.

Roy says, “We must demonstrate respect for each individual regardless of their position in life. This becomes foundational for showing the care and appreciation people desire to receive. When you respect a person, you are kind to them. Respect garners respect, and then a reciprocity of positive actions flows.”

Employees have a deeper connection with their job. They have the motivation necessary to excel. Clients feel a greater loyalty when they believe their business is appreciated.

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Appreciation develops longer, stronger, more meaningful relationships. Every interaction is an opportunity to express appreciation.

Home Sweet Home

Relationships are stronger and homes are happier with an attitude of gratitude. Whether it’s for a significant other, a child, or the neighbor next door, gratitude improves relationships. It also minimizes negative interactions.

Leaving notes of gratitude or helping loved ones can express gratitude at home. An attitude of gratitude doesn’t have to be grand, it only has to be expressed.

Small gestures like a note in a child’s packed lunch or a thank you card on a pillow can intensify feelings of love. That affection can last a lifetime.

A child’s self-esteem can be boosted by simple expressions of gratitude. When their talents and qualities are appreciated, it will help them develop pride.

Accomplish More

An attitude of gratitude will not only make a person feel better about life but makes their life better.

Improved health, better mental health, and deeper connections make individuals more productive. You’re then more satisfied with life.

Better sleeping habits also lead to greater ability to set and accomplish goals. Your concentration and focus will be better too.

Higher scores in education are reported by those with an attitude of gratitude. This was true in secondary and post-secondary programs. This leads to increased desire and ability for professional aspirations.

An Attitude of Gratitude for Life

There’s no aspect of life that an attitude of gratitude won’t benefit in a powerful way. Depression, anxiety, and mood disorders are significantly lower in those who live gratefully.

Companies, communities, families, and individuals are profoundly impacted by an attitude of gratitude.

Life doesn’t have to be perfect for it to be incredible. Living a grateful life can be the pivotal factor in the success and satisfaction with their life.

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