Solar Fact Guide

The Ultimate Solar Fact Guide

By 2024, solar industry experts expect to see a home solar power installation every minute in the United States. That’s up from an installation every 10 minutes in 2010. 

This solar fact is due to how consumers view solar power as a free, green, and plentiful power source. Another benefit to homeowners? The installation, maintenance, and output price benefit the homeowner as prices decrease to better technology and demand.

The current 2 million residential and commercial solar installations generate enough power to supply electricity to 12 million homes. 

In the following solar energy guide, we’ll look at some more solar facts generate some tips on how to go solar. 

Solar Fact or Fiction?

It may sound like science fiction, but the Earth is struck with enough solar rays in an hour to power the world’s population for a year.

In the United States, the fastest places for solar growth are led by California, but fast on the Golden State’s heels is Texas, Florida, Utah, Rhode Island, and Maryland. Those states alone have increased their solar installations from around 50,000 to 200,000 plus. 

How Does Solar Work?

The first solar cells date back to the 19th Century. Today the panels are made of varieties of silicone and wire mesh. The silicon is mixed with other elements to affect their charge. Therefore, it is essential to have a positive and negative section of the panel. 

It generates light in the form of photons. These photons strike the solar panels and knock loose electrons from the silicone. These negatively charged electrons then flow towards the positive charge.

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The mesh collects the electrons and turns them into the current. You call this type of electricity direct current (DC) and is not usable in most homes. Instead, you need to convert this DC electricity to an alternating current (AC). A piece of equipment on the panel called an inverter does this conversion. 

Net Metering and the Grid

Once you convert the electricity to AC, the power flows into a meter, a battery (depending on the system), into the home, or back to the grid.

Your electric meter flows backward if your panels generate more power than you use. In many states (you can check yours here at the local utility will issue a credit against your electric bill for the excess power you supply to the greater power grid. 

You can’t generate power or generate very little at night or on extremely dark and stormy days. Therefore, you need to stay connected to the power grid even though, in many cases, you may only need a little power not generated by your system.

Buy or Lease

If you can buy your solar system outright, you can add more than $10,000 to the value of your home. If you can finance the purchase much like any other elective renovation, you can get quite a bit of value.

However, if you have no intention to move from your residence, leasing your panels is an affordable option and significantly reduces your energy bills. 

Are You Ready for Solar?

A last solar fact is the best way to gauge if your home is suitable for solar power and if you should buy or lease your panels is to talk to an installation expert. 

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Also, make sure to read reviews of the installer and make sure, much like a roofer, that the company has a history of satisfied customers.

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