coping with job loss

Coping With Job Loss: How To Say GoodBye To The Job You Love

Coping with job loss is really tough. Period.

Chances are if you’re reading this, you’re one of the 33,000 people who’ve lost their job since last September.

We’re not suggesting that by reading this blog post things are magically going to get better. However, there are certain things you can do to help yourself through this tough time.

From processing your emotions to more practical advice, we’ll cover it all during this article.

So without further ado let’s dive in.

1. Take Time to Reflect

Firstly, it’s incredibly important to take time to reflect and allow the news to sink in. The worst thing you can do is deny the harsh reality of losing your job. You may not even realize you’re doing this.

Here are some common signs of denial to watch out for:

  • Not accepting the severity of losing your job, believing things like ‘this is a blessing in disguise.’, so not doing anything about your unemployment
  • Begging your employer to reconsider
  • Kidding yourself into thinking your job loss is temporary

Now although denial can help us feel better in the short term, this approach is unhealthy because all you’re doing is covering up the problem.

Therefore, you’re opening yourself up to a higher degree of suffering in the long-run. For example, those in denial may fall victim to the following:

  • Not looking for a new job
  • Continuing to spend money on luxuries, when you’re not earning
  • Ignoring creditors

Naturally, this kind of behavior can have pretty severe consequences. Instead, you should focus on the following:

  • Creating an emergency budget
  • Calling your creditors
  • Seeking advice and support (whether that be emotional counseling or professional careers advice)
  • Start applying for new jobs
  • Look into certifications that might help in your job hunt

You get the idea!

It’s essential to allow yourself to understand the severity of losing your job. This is the only way you’ll be able to actually do something about it.

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Trust us; you’re not alone in this- even though at times it may feel like it. Thousands of people up and down the country are going through the same process.

The best thing to do is to continue putting yourself out there. By this we mean, attending networking events, asking friends, family, ex-colleagues for any job recommendations, even volunteering has its benefits!

2. Minimize Stress

Naturally, unemployment can be very stressful. So we thoroughly recommend reducing the amount of stress you put yourself under during this time.

So, surround yourself with positive people, rather than people who drag you down. If you’re suffering from a lot of anger, you may want to consider professional therapy.

We also recommend starting a journal. This might sound cheesy, but honestly, this works. Writing down your feelings is a really cathartic thing to do and helps to relieve stress and anger.

3. Keep Guilt at Bay

Guilt can be crippling, so don’t let that overcome you- especially, as most people have zero control over whether they lose their jobs, and hence have nothing to feel guilty about!

If you find yourself having guilty thoughts about your job performance, you need to take a step back and analyze your situation. Asking yourself the following questions is an excellent way of rationalizing your beliefs:

  • What did I accomplish at work?
  • Did I learn anything about myself?
  • Did I learn any new skills?
  • Did I help anyone?

As you begin to answer these questions, you’ll have a few things in mind. Start to mull over your positive achievements; this is a great thing to do because these positive thoughts are grounded in reality.

We’re our own worst enemy, and so often we’re needlessly hard on ourselves, this exercise helps to remind us that our guilty thoughts are often irrational.

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4. Focus on Self-Care

Feelings of depression are typical after losing a job, especially if we were happy at work.

First things first, you have every right to feel sad, and upset about this stage in your life ending. Your feelings are entirely valid and definitely rational.

However, it’s down to you to pick yourself back up again- even if that seems incredibly hard right now.

Here are a few things you can do to help get back on top:

Have a Daily Routine

Routines are fabulous for creating a feeling of direction and purpose. It’ll also encourage you to start looking for work. That could be seeking recruitment advice, attending a networking event or applying for a new job.

You should also participate in a few hobbies to help alleviate the stress of unemployment. It’s great to keep busy during tough times, and it’s nice to do while you have more time on your hands.

This is especially true of exercise. There are so many benefits to participating in frequent training sessions, not only is it great for your physical health but it’s also fabulous for your mental health.

As you probably already know, exercise releases endorphins. These naturally make us feel happier, which is just what we need when we’re feeling down.

Plus, when you smash a new exercise routine, you feel a sense of achievement which helps alleviate any depressive thoughts.

Similarly, volunteering is great for giving you a sense of purpose as well as putting things into perspective. Not only that, it’s good for networking and padding out your resume.

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